Make a weighted blanket to obtain the same benefits you’d get from a more expensive purchased weighted blanket. Weighted blankets provide a good number of benefits to people suffering from autism spectrum disorder, insomnia, or having restless muscles. They also help distressed and hyperactive individuals.
You still make one be comfortable at all times. Before making one, there are a number of things you need to know. This article provides you with a guide you can use to correctly make a weighted blanket for your purpose.
What You Need to Know Weighted Blanket
A weighted blanket may be made to be softer by using fiberfill on pockets on each side of the compartments for filler material. Make sure to buy good quality fiberfill that will last for long as poor quality tends to wither quickly.
There is no need to set aside the one you have made if the user grows up, in this case, if it is a child. You only need to adjust the weight by replacing original filler material with heavier ones. This allows them to be comfortable at all times with the blanket-carrying out the intended purpose.
You can also use plastic pallets. Plastic pellets are machine washable; hence you do not need to worry about any damages. The machine; however, should not have an agitator. The blanket should also be cleaned from time to time.
To help with this, you can use a duvet cover to insert the blanket. You; therefore, only have to clean the cover after a while before washing the blanket itself to maintain quality by preventing tear for a long while. The heavier ones may be hectic when it comes to washing hence the need for a cover.
If this is your first time to make a weighted blanket, it may be much simpler if you watch video tutorials you may find on the internet. Together with the guidelines, images and complete videos, you will take less time making the quilt.
Depending on the person in need, you should make the right size that fits. The size of the bed also will guide you in making the right blanket. Use your mathematical skills in calculating the right size best for the individual in need, be it a child or an adult.
When making one for your kid, ensure he or she is capable of removing it at any time he or she feels like. As it provides a hugging effect and warmth, it may be too much at one point, hence one may need to uncover for a while.
Another crucial factor to be deliberated on is the amount of cash you will need. There is no doubt that making a weighted quilt will cut down the costs even to half as compared to buying one. Having an estimate enables you to acquire everything so that you are not stuck before you even start.
It will be best to come up with a list of everything needed and amounts. You can then calculate the total costs to work with. When assembling the needed materials, get the right needles as poor quality ones can break easily.
The sewing machine should be in the best condition to avoid jamming and wasting your time. A very important aspect you should not forget about is pre-washing the fabric before beginning. Now, let’s learn how to make a weighted blanket.
- Also read our article on Purchased Weighted Blankets
How to Make a Weighted Blanket
Step 1: Select Tools and Materials
The first step requires you to consider the tools and materials needed. They are what you need to come up with a weighted blanket. The tools include: a scale, tape measure, thread, sewing machine, proper needles for fabric to be used, scissors and a seam reaper.
The materials required are fabric (5 yards work best), pins and tailor’s chalk. You will also need 1 pound of pellets per every 10 pounds of weight. Lastly, select a good working area, preferably an empty table.
Step 2: Selecting the Fabric (Size & Color)
When it comes to the fabric, select the right color and quality for you or your loved one. There are many colors and quality available for you to select from. One that is of high quality will be able to last for a long while.
To save on cash, there are materials which you can borrow from friends such as an old blanket, especially if he or she may not need it again. The other materials are affordable. Buy the right pair of scissors, which should be sharp to easily cut the fabric.
Step 3: Choosing the Correct Weight
This is one of the most important steps when making a weighted blanket. According to a licensed therapist, you should use the following formula to determine the correct weight for kids and teens: 10% of body weight + 1 or 2 lbs.
However, the formula may not be quite useful when designing a blanket for an adult. Therefore, we urge you to consult a specialist or your healthcare professional. This way, you will be able to come up with a quilt that will do its intended purpose without guesswork.
Step 4: Set Up the Working Station and Start
After you have purchased all the required materials, it is time to start. Gather all the materials needed for your working station. Determine the size of the blanket is customizable. Start by cutting the fabric into two to make the top and bottom parts.
It should be cut equally at least 2.5 yards for both top and bottom. These pieces should then be cut into squares of 4 by 4 inches to make pockets for storing filler material. Make sure you measure correctly to come up with right sizes.
Take measurements of two inches for the long side and one inch for the short side. This should leave you with the open side you will use to add the pellets. For guidance, you may use chalk and ruler to draw lines that will help you sew in a straight line.
Sew along the lines and then turn the piece inside out. After you are through, iron the edges for them to appear nice, straight and crisp. Prepare to add the plastic pellets after you are through with all pieces.
Sew along vertical lines to ensure you make channels of six inches apart. This is where the pellets should be poured. Remember to use chalk and ruler for guidance to avoid confusion for every step necessary.
After you are done making channels, pour in pellets for each square to fill the six channels. Shake them for a while to ensure they all settle at the bottom. Using your ruler, measure 6 inches from the bottom seam and sew a straight line across. This should seal up a line of the weighted squares.
The Wrap Up
Weighted blankets may take a significant duration of your time especially if you do not have the experience, but it is definitely worth it. You not only get to save on good amounts of money but also learn one or two skills.
You; therefore, have to create the required time, say two days, preferably on a weekend to finish the project. Remember to check your schedule to select the best time possible. This way, you will come up with a satisfactory outcome that you will be proud of.
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